Monday, March 14, 2022

How Do I Start A Blog 2022?

These are very good questions that other newbie and wanna-be bloggers may also have.  First, I applaud you for your willingness to tackle blogging.  And secondly, I am thrilled about the reason you plan to start your blog, which is to post your art lessons and tie that into a Q & A for members of TEAM BAD.

I am more than happy to help you start a blog of your own.  Here’s my #1 recommendation for first time bloggers:  Set up a “Testing Blog” where you can experiment with different templates, layouts, uploading photos, etc.  You have the option of posting your testing blog for the world to see or you can keep it private.  It’s up to you.

Google’s offers free blogging and it is fairly easy to startup and shut down.  I’ve started over 20 blogs and have taken down several. 


1.        Go to Google

2.       Select the MORE tab at the top of their page

3.       Select Blogger from drop down menu

4.       Follow Google’s directions for entering email address and password

5.       Follow Google’s directions for selecting template

6.       Experiment for a few days until you get the hang of it

All of my blogs are outside of Etsy…even this blog, which I started for TEAM BAD members.  I don’t like to link my blogs to other blog sites, website, FB pages, etc. for many reasons.  Of few of those are:  privacy issues, hacking, misrepresentation, viruses, and hate messages.   I have been including links from Etsy because it seems as though they have safeguards in place to protect from computer hacking.  However, nothing is foolproof.

I am not a big fan of Facebook or of FB Pages.  I’m old-school computer taught, having learned computer programming on mainframes.  FB is too random for my liking.  But then again, I prefer IBM to Apple computer systems for the same reason.  You could set up both a FB Page and a blog…try them both out and see which you prefer

I am looking forward to hearing about your experience with setting up and testing out a new blog.  Keep me and your teammates updated.

Happy Monday!